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The Trend Trader

The Trend Trader

Rabu, 24 Desember 2008

Web Asosiasi Analis Teknikal Indonesia (

Asosiasi Analis Teknikal Indonesia (AATI) didirikan pada tanggal 6 Mei 2000 di Jakarta atas prakarsa beberapa analis teknikal yang aktif berkarya di berbagai institusi keuangan Indonesia. AATI berafiliasi ke International Federation of Technical Analyst (IFTA)

Sejarah Singkat

Berdirinya AATI berawal dari rekomendasi beberapa anggota IFTA pada tahun 1995 kepada seorang analis teknikal Indonesia, Mochammad Yusuf, untuk membentuk masyarakat analis teknikal Indonesia yang berafiliasi ke IFTA.

Kemudian dibentuklah ‘panitia kecil’ untuk melaksanakan rekomendasi tesebut.
Sebagai langkah awal menuju pembentukan organisasi profesi analis teknikal, panitia kecil ini berupaya mengumpulkan informasi dan mendata analis-analis teknikal yang ada di Indonesia.

Melalui proses yang cukup panjang dan berliku, akhirnya pada tahun 2000 terkumpulah beberapa analis teknikal yang bersepakat untuk mendirikan suatu organisasi profesi yang bernama Asosiasi Analisis Teknikal Indonesia (AATI).

Sejak tahun 2000 ini pula, AATI berusaha menjalin kembali komunikasi dengan IFTA untuk menjadi anggota, terutama berkaitan dengan syarat-sarat keanggotaan dalam organisasi analis teknikal internasional itu. Dan akhirnya pada tahun 2004, AATI mengajukan aplikasi resmi ke IFTA.

Latar Belakang

* Perkembangan pasar finansial semakin dimanis dan kompleks
* Keterbatasan publik dalam mendapatkan pengetahuan dan informasi yang memadai untuk memahami prilaku pasar.
* Diperlukan suatu pendekatan yang mudah dipahami oleh masyarakat finansial pada umumnya.
* Pendekatan Analisis Teknikal telah menjadi bahasa pengambilan keputusan transaksi pasar finansial yang mendunia.
* Diperlukan suatu wadah rujukan yang dapat mengakomodasi kebutuhan para pengguna Analisis Teknikal di Indonesia

Visi & Misi


  • Menciptakan masyarakat sadar investasi
  • Mewujudkan masyarakat investasi keuangan yang dapat mengantisipasi perubahan pasar finansial yang dinamis dalam tatanan global.
  • Mewujudkan komunitas analis teknikal yang memiliki integritas tinggi, bertanggung jawab serta berkemampuan mengantisipasi setiap perkembangan pasar keuangan yang dinamis.


  • Memasyarakatkan penggunaan Analisis Teknikal di Indonesia
  • Mempromosikan kajian Analisis Teknikal Indonesia dalam masyarakat investasi keuangan
  • Menjalin hubungan kerjasama yang harmonis antara analis, pialang, trader

Kronologi Berdirinya AATI

Our first contact with IFTA began in 1994.
It started by Mr. Mochammad Yusuf who was a staff of Treasury Department in Bank International Indonesia. He used to published his forex technical analysis in Reuters (page BIKA) and Telerate (page 9090-9093). He made some contact to other analysts locally and globally.

One of his contact, Mr. Mc. Fenney, informed there is dan international TA society called IFTA. Then, Mr. Yusuf made some corresponded with IFTA people (Mr. Hiroshi Okamoto); and he was convinced to develop TA society in Indonesia.

At that moment, some Indonesian traders and analysts have been using technical analysis for couple decades before. They were diffused in some financial institutions especially in commodity and forex brokerage houses.

In 1995, Mr. Okamoto visited Jakarta and Mr. Yusuf carried out an informal gathering to welcome Mr. Okamoto and expose our intention to develop Indonesian TA society. Beside Mr Yusuf and Mr. Okamoto, the gathering was attended by Indonesian financial market functionaries, e.g.:
Hindarmoyo Kahinuiri, Head of YPPMI (Indonesian Capital Market Foundation)
Daniel Iskandar, Chairperson of Indonesian Investment Manager Association
Yasso Winarto, Head of Sigma Research


  • Mr. Yusuf attended Market East Conference in Kuala Lumpur;
  • A small group of technical analysts were preparing Indonesian TA institution, they were Mochammad Yusuf, Inderahadi Kusuma (AFEC Analyst / independent trader), and Gideon Lapian (Sr. Research of forex brokerage house). This group became the first Committee.


  • As a response of 1995's informal gathering YPPMI invited Mr. Yusuf to promote TA to "Jakarta's blue-chips" corporate secretaries;
  • AFEC Research (ANTARA Indonesian News Agency Research) sponsored to introduce TA to corporate finance and fund investment managers;
  • The Committee were collecting data of financial market participants who were practicing TA regularly and seriously. Some of them were asked to share the idea of TA society development.
  • Yusuf attended IFTA Conference in Australia


  • Financial Crisis hurted Indonesian Political-Economic very badly while the society have not improved significantly. The Committee activities relatively stuck.
  • However, one of Committee member, Gideon Lapian (Research Staff of an Danasakti Securities) contacted Mr. Smyrk and Mr. Okamoto. asking more information about IFTA membership and DITA.


  • The committee were trying to reorganize itself and reconsolidating some TAs in order to form an society institution.
  • There was a good news in stock market Jakarta. Before Financial Crisis era, it's hard to find TA in any securities company; but in 1999 TAs demand was very high in securities company. TA Introduction course for Jakarta stock market grew sporadically.
  • Supported by Indonesian stock-brokers association (IPEI), the Committee and some stock market analysts gathered in IPEI Secretariat. After several meetings involving other TAs, this group of TAs, which were not less than 15 persons, committed to established Indonesian TAs society.
  • In May 2000, Indonesian Technical Analysts Association (ITAA; in Bahasa Indonesia: Asosiasi Analis Teknikal Indonesia=AATI) was established.
  • July 2000, AATI have a meeting with Prof Dr Faisal Affif, Deputy Rector of Paramadina University, to explore the possibility of developing TAs through the University resources.


  • AATI held seminar on TA in cooperation with ANTARA (Indonesian News Agency). Speaker: Mochammad Yusuf (AATI Chairperson)
  • September 10, 2001, AATI supported the Indonesian Stock-brokers Association in a three months training “Marketing for Brokers” whith TA as part of the curriculum. The training opened by a Senior Officer of the Indonesian Government and was attended by almost 200 brokers. Lecturers: M. Alfatih and Gideon Lapian
  • Occasionally, AATI members give TAs commentary in mass media (such as newspaper, magazine, radio, and TV).
  • In November AATI expand its network via email group in Yahoogroups called: milis-AATI.


  • The AATI mailing list become one of Indonesian technical analysis forum discussion and attract more participants to join; including economic institutions administrators, CEO of Indonesia financial market institutions , some public company executives and other market practioners.
  • In this open forum, we found many market participants who were using TA as their trading tools.
  • In August 2002, AATI held an informal meeting at Surabaya Stock Exchange (SSX) Office and attended by:
    - Hindarmoyo Kahinuri (CEO of Surabaya Stock Exchange)
    - Hasan Z. Mahmud (CEO of Jakarta Future Trading Exchange)
    - Mochammad Yusuf
    - Gideon Lapian
    - Hazairin (one of AATI member)
  • To strengthening AATI organization, we asked CEO of SSX and CEO of JFX to be AATI member of honour and they agreed to join with commitment to support the society. In AATI regular meeting on 27 September 2002, we agreed to add Board of Honour in AATI Organization Structure. Also the SSX and JFX agree to support AATI especially on TA Training for brokers/traders and journalists
  • On 29 August 2002, Mr. Hasan Z. Mahmud, as lecturer, invite AATI in his class at Institut Bisnis Indonesia (business education institution) to introduce TA approached in investment decision making.


Aug-Sep 2003
TA Workshop at Equity Division of. Ekokapital Sekuritas.
Coordinated by M. Alfatih

October 2003
TA Training and Trading Simulation for Foreign Exchange at PT. Anugerah.
Trainers: M. Yusuf, Gideon Lapian, M. Alfatih and Inderahadi Kusuma.

13-15 January 2004
Stock Market National Competition and Seminar TA,
organized by Financial Student Society of Indonesia & StockBroker Dealer
Association & LIPI (Coord., M. Alfatih)

27 July 2004
Yogya Investor gathering, Introduction to TA by M. Alfatih

12 Aug 2004
Surabaya Investor gathering, Introduction to TA by M. Alfatih

21 Aug 2004
Bogor Investor gathering, Introduction to TA

30-31 Aug 2004 Basic Training TA for Indonesian Stock Broker
Dealer Association (Trainer: Mochammad Yusuf)


Dewan Kehormatan

HM Sembiring (Direktur BEJ)

Hasan Zein Machmud (Direktur Utama BBJ)

Hindarmoyo K. Hinuri (Komisaris BNI Sekuritas)

Mustofa (PT Kim Eng/Komisaris PT BEJ)

Pardi Kendi (Forex Club)

Roy Sembel, PhD. (Pengajar MM Universitas Indonesia)

Djoko Wintoro, PhD (Direktur Riset Bisnis Prasetiya Mulya)

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