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The Trend Trader

Kamis, 28 Agustus 2008

IHSG Today (Bearish signal?)

Berdasarkan signal Candle Stick..Dan fibonacci retracement
IHSG hari ini mentok di level 23,6% dan terbentuk bearish signal.
Pada kondisi seperti ini, jika terbentuk bearish signal di area golden ratio. Biasanya sangat manjur sekali.

Kita tunggu besok pagi

2 komentar:

AMATHEVS '21' Traders Room mengatakan...

Bro mohon pencerahannya, mohon dikoreksi bila salah, setau Saya yg merupakan Golden Ratio-kan/ Golden Mean cuma 61.8% ? Memang bersama2 78.6%, 1.618% & 1.27% termasuk 1st Number; tetapi kalo bicara Golden Ratio cuma 61.8%

Kalo 23.6%,38.2%,50% termasuk 2nd number & bukan Golden Ratio/Golden Mean.

Menurut Scott M Carney di Harmonic Trading.

Mohon maaf kalau Saya ada salah intepretasi.


kalipatullah mengatakan...

The Fibonacci sequence of numbers is as follows: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, etc.

The key Fibonacci ratio of 61.8% - also referred to as "the golden ratio" or "the golden mean" - is found by dividing one number in the series by the number that follows it. For example: 8/13 = 0.6153, and 55/89 = 0.6179.

The 38.2% ratio is found by dividing one number in the series by the number that is found two places to the right. For example: 55/144 = 0.3819.

The 23.6% ratio is found by dividing one number in the series by the number that is three places to the right. For example: 8/34 = 0.2352.

Thks for the corection bro amathev...

harusnya nulisnya fibonacci ratio..